Friday, February 26, 2010

Life: It's not Meaningless

Many philosophers have told life is meaningless and many believe that this life on Earth is nothing but a transitory period from one life to another until entering the eternity. Whatever the beliefs are live still holds its meaning. Can any of you think life as meaningless, I can’t because life has presented or manifested its meaning in my life through a lot of incidents or instances.

When I wake up in the morning it’s not ‘maya’ or ‘illusion’ that I am awake, I feel awake because I really am awake. I would like to present a simple example if life was an illusion why do I feel pain when I pinch myself? Or why do I feel thirst or hunger? Are they illusions too? The answer is no. Life has a lot of meanings. The question is how do you define or find the meaning of your life?

A few years back I used ask myself, every night before going to bed, why do I exist? Or what does my life mean? For years I couldn’t find the answer. As I grew up my understanding of life changed and improved. We know how much a child’s life means to his/her mother or to his/her father. I have heard mothers’ say that their children are their life. A lover says he can give his life for her, she says she loves him more than her life, and they define their life as someone else. I have felt that life is more than just to exist. I don’t mean we have to make a change in the world either. All I feel everyone should do is that everyone should see life as gift. A gift given to them so that they may bring some happiness in the lives around them. I’ tried to live like that but failed so many times, but I don’t give up.

When you help someone by giving them directions to their destination, you’re giving a little meaning to your life. When you donate blood you are being the meaning of someone else’s life. Talking about blood donation, I was all prepared to donate blood once but at the last moment they said they got someone else, I hope I’ll be able to do it sometime. So we define our lives. People around us can also influence our life but still they can’t change anything in the meaning of our life if we don’t allow. There are only few things that do not ask our permissions and comes upon us all of a sudden. We should not worry about the things on which we have no control.

I have noticed a habit of many people that sometimes when something bad happen to them, they say it’s their fate and they do nothing about it. Now, that is a very bad habit. We have to accept bad thing that happen in our lives, and should try hard enough to change that situation to something better. We should never give up, we still have a chance to succeed until we give up. If we ever give up in life, we can always give it a second chance.

I am so much of a supporter of giving a second chance to people. For example if your student fails in an exam, you must ask him what happened. You must give him a second chance. If your boyfriend fails to pick you up in the right time you can show your anger on him but give him another chance. So don’t ever give up.

It is possible that people gets confused about the meaning of their lives or ignore one aspect of the meaning of their life and only focuses on one. A businessman may ignore or fail to give his family the love and care they deserve while putting all their time to earn more money. A scientist may get little time to spend with his child. A computer engineer may forget he has family when he is near the deadline of a project. Things like these can happen in life. We should find time to spend with those who care for us. It’s because they give meaning to your life.

Your life is not to be simply lived and to be forgotten, define a meaning for your life as you g along that long road. A meaning that will always be remembered…

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life: An opportunity to love

Life! I wonder what it is? People around me say too many things about life. They say “Life is a race”, “It is a transition from this momentary life to the eternal that is to come”, my heart tells me, and my heart has never lied to me, this life is an opportunity to love. If this was nothing but a place to hold us temporarily to qualify to the next life why was this world created in such beauty.and love.

If there is anything that qualifies human race to exist on the face of earth, it is nothing but love. We should never think so lowly of life. People who have understood life has said that this life is too short. Yes too short to fulfill ones desire to love, never get me wrong when I say ‘love’. I am speaking of ‘love’ not ‘lust’. God created us not to quarrel or fight for existence, or for success. He created us out of his immense love. God himself is love, or otherwise love is God.

So we are here to love. Where can we find love? That is a question to which nobody gives a good answer. Look around you, you’ll find love in all the things around you, the beautiful trees, the singing birds, the cute flowers and of course the lovely people living next to you. If you can’t see love in any of these, my dear friend have your eyes diagnosed. So love is all around us. How do we love? There is neither a right way nor a bad way of loving. That means you can’t love in a wrong way. If it is love that you have whatever you do will end righteous, if not it will be a mere tragedy.

When I start thinking about life the first thing that comes to my mind is love. May be it is because I have my life because of love. Every human being is born on earth, out of love of their parents. So in fact human life begins in love. Life is not for showing this world that we are something. Life is to live, to live in love. But thinking realistically we know that we need lot of things, resources to go on in our little lives. But we should not live for those resources. Live your life not for money, not for lust. If your greed, or rather need for money restrict you from doing what your heart says leave that and go for your heart’s desire. After all without happiness and joy what is money worth for.

Around here people live the first 20 years of life to live the rest of their life in happiness or rather prosperity. They give away their childhood dreams for that bright future. But finally when they get into that so called “bright future” they have a lot of responsibilities. Then they have to take care of their kids and family and the cycle continues. No one lives here to enjoy life. Everyone runs behind success. I have this doubt in my mind, what is success worth if we don’t find happiness in it?

Life is what it brings or presents before us. We have to accept life as it is manifested in front of us. We shouldn’t get tired of life. Because it is in fact too short to mourn or to quarrel. Sometimes when I think of why people fight, I can’t find any reason for it. If we do have some problems with a person or persons there better and peaceful ways of solving it than opting for fight.

People talk about tension and stress. These are two very bad things that we always try to avoid in life but can’t really get rid of them. Both kill our enthusiasm for life. My friends sometimes get worried on the day of results and get stressed and they stop doing the things that make them happy. Why? I have asked them and they don’t have an answer. People treat themselves as some convicts caught up for robbery after they get their semester grades or exam results. One thing I want to tell to all my little brothers and sisters is that marks don’t make you anything, it’s your passion for life and the hard work you put into achieve your goal that will help you in life. There is no successful person who became successful just because of their marks or grades.

Let us come back to “Life”. Your life is what you do with it. If you decide to be good in life and is ready to work for it really hard then no one will stop you. But if you decide to stay back and try nothing then there is least chance that you’ll ever grab hold of your happy life.

What do we live for? It is something that each one of us has to decide for themselves. If I want to be happy in my life I just have to learn to be happy, which is hard. Because life is not always happy. But it takes ones ability to make it happier.

Life is different things for different people but for me it is an opportunity(that a person gets only once) to love…